Speaker Form

Speakers Forum Registration and Procedures

We are pleased you can be with us at this meeting, and we hope you will return often. If you would like to address the Board complete this form and submit.

  • Speaking time will be limited to 3 minutes (or less depending on number of speakers).

  • Open Forum is for Homeowners only, the Board Of Directors (BOD) will not respond, but will listen.

  • Open Forum is part of a Board Meeting and not for discussions, arguments or exchanges with BOD; please be courteous and to the point.

  • Please respect your neighbor and do not interrupt their speaking time, do not interject, there will be no questions and answers. Other owners are not entitled to be recognized or to comment, or question the speaker.

  • Only Homeowners have the right to speak during Open Forum. If not on title of the property, you are not an owner and cannot participate. Please state your name and address. Each address is entitled to one speaker.

  • Members and BOD must observe appropriate boundaries during Open Forum. Again, this is a Board Meeting, not a discussion forum. Hold your discussions outside the Board Meeting.

The BOD may not discuss, or take any action on, an item that was not included in the circulated agenda. Therefore do not expect an issue raised during Open Forum to be addressed but it may become an agenda item for a future board meeting.

Once the open forum period is closed, owners are not allowed to participate and may not seek to be recognized. Side discussions and comments are not allowed during the Board Meeting. The purpose of the Board Meeting is for the BOD to conduct business and this cannot be done if there is interference from other members.